Does Genji Do More Melee Dmg

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  2. Does Genji Do More Melee Dmg Download

They double the damage. For example, McCree's Peacekeeper does 70 damage on the body, but 140 damage on the head. The only exception is the scoped shot of Widowmaker's Widow's Kiss (including when deflected by Genji): It has a 2.5x modifier meaning a fully charged bodyshot does 120 damage, while a headshot does 300. While his ultimate ability is activated, Genji's Shurikens are replaced with his blade. Genji can swing once per second, and it takes 1 second to unsheath and resheath the sword. Both Swift Strike and Deflect can be used during this time; Swift Strike's cooldown is reset upon activating this ability. Genji's ammo is also refilled upon completion of the ultimate. Player-controlled Genji and an. Swift Strike does 50 damage (two rectangles) at all times without a Zenyatta or Mercy buff. Swift Strike's cooldown resets whenever Genji gets a kill (any means) and when he activates Dragon Blade. I call bullsht. I am frequently killed with around 100HP by a single dash slash. I understand that Genji can deflect pretty much anything, save for beam weapons and a handful of lethal accessories. Can he deflect melee attacks though? I've been playing more Reaper lately, so I'm at a much closer proximity to characters, and normally if a Genji uses his deflect I stop firing to wait.

Nov 30, 2016  The general thing to do after Swift Striking to an enemy is to use a Shuriken throw followed by a quick melee attack at the target. Do the melee attack to animation cancel the shuriken throw so they can be done almost at the exact same time. This combo does up to 164 damage, but the Swift Strike is at the beginning instead of the end of the combo.

Headshots, or critical hits, are triggered when striking an opponent's head. They double the damage. For example, McCree's Peacekeeper does 70 damage on the body, but 140 damage on the head. The only exception is the scoped shot of Widowmaker's Widow's Kiss (including when deflected by Genji): It has a 2.5x modifier meaning a fully charged bodyshot does 120 damage, while a headshot does 300.

Does genji do more melee dmg freeMelee

Not all attacks are capable of hitting headshots.

Weapons capable of dealing headshots[edit | edit source]

Does Genji Do More Melee Dmg Build

  • Ashe:The Viper.
  • Bastion:Configuration: Recon.
  • Baptiste:Biotic Launcher.
  • D.Va:Fusion Cannons and Light Gun.
  • Doomfist:Hand Cannon.
  • Genji:Shuriken and Fan of Blades.
    • Deflected shots can also score headshots.
  • Hanzo:Storm Bow, Storm Arrows and Sonic Arrow.
    • His Dragonstrike is also capable of headshot if it hits the head before the effect is triggered.
  • Lúcio:Sonic Amplifier.
  • McCree:Peacekeeper.
    • Despite the official description, the shots with Deadeye don't actually count as headshots. For example, the ability will deal no damage when the 'Headshots only' option is selected in a custom game.
  • Mei:Endothermic Blaster secondary fire.
  • Mercy:Caduceus Blaster.
  • Orisa:Fusion Driver.
  • Reaper:Hellfire Shotguns.
  • Roadhog:Scrap Gun and Whole Hog.
  • Soldier: 76:Heavy Pulse Rifle.
    • He is unable to score headshots while Tactical Visor is active, even if you are standing directly above your target.
  • Sombra: Machine Pistol.
  • Torbjörn:Rivet Gun.
  • Tracer:Pulse Pistols.
  • Widowmaker:Widow's Kiss Assault and Sniper modes.
    • Headshots in Sniper mode have a 2.5x modifier instead of 2x like everyone else.
  • Wrecking Ball:Quad Cannons.
  • Zenyatta:Orb of Destruction and Orb Volley.

Does Genji Do More Melee Dmg Download

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