Lifesteal And Magic Dmg Auto Attacks

First off I would like to say that I have tested this particular type of build on several characters . The purpose was to find a carry build with the intention of using magic dmg on magic characters that use auto attack often .
The first part of this build relys heavily on attack speed . Therefore , I am using attackspeed seals and marks , totalling up to something like 32% attack speed just from the runes.
The champs
This type of build is pretty limited to champion type . It calls for the champion to use magic dmg and/or use auto attack as a main source of killing . These types of champs are , but not limited to : Teemo , Twitch , Eve , Orianna , Udyr , etc. you get the point
The build
The build can start off a number of ways . You can use the traditional boots/pot combo , but in some cases I like to get a dagger first . Ill tell you why later
Depending on what you picked first , If boots , then complete building SORC BOOTS
If dagger , complete MALADY . Malady is underused heavily by the economy . Partly because they dont know what champions are useful with it .
This so far is 2 items totalling in 2 ehncd mvspd , and 44 magic pen (once malady is charged) and 50%+32% attackspd . Just these 2 items alone combined with the runes should decimate early match . lets finish
Depending on who you are facing is what comes next. If you have the kills , focus building Madreds . The magic dmg on this combined with the attack speed and magic pen should take down any champion in 5 shots , excluding tanks , which does the job at almost double that depending on thier magic res. The heavy dmg plus more attack speed is the reason you build this so early .
Let me note that about 40% of matches that your owning by this point WILL surrender
From madreds and on , it gets alittle champ dependant .
If you face a crowd full of tanks , your madreds should be able to put them down easily .All you need to do is add attack speed for more dps . So I would advise sword of the divine . The sword not only does nice magic dmg and give nice attack speed , but has a nice active . There are several characters that fear this sword : Jax , Nidalee , anything with stacked dodge
For Mages , I say the newly designed Wits End . Yes . Not only does it give magic dmg on each shot , but give you good resistance against AD casters. And yet , more attack speed
One of the last items I get is Starks. Using the lifesteal to stay alive and push and the attackspeed to further do more DPS , as well as the armor pen aura the you AND your team can use . Depending on your champ , This could be best used early . Stealth champions are ussually sitting around waiting for the time to strike. Using starks as a stealth character will give your team lifesteal and put the armor pen aura on the enemy while you wait . Your team will thank you for it. Sometimes If this isnt needed, I switch up starks for the Black Clever for alittle extra dmg
Lets tally up some of those stats now shall we.
Attack speed( trust me its really fast)
32%runes+50%malady+40%wits end+60% Divine+40% Madreds+30-40%starks-Clever
Magic Dmg(i might have some of these slightly wrong)
24malady+42witsend+3%health(madreds)+every4th shot on divine100
Magic Pen(since you are not real heavy on AP , these will help your abilities as well as your magic DPS)
Armor Pen
20-45 rom starks on clever
AD(lets add 100 dmg for base AD )
30 from madreds+(50 from clever if you get it)
As with all builds , it does have its weaknesses. This build is more made for ganking and 1v1 while a AD is more survival , meaning life steal on an AD can allow you to push alittle more and tank alittle more.
As its strengths , this build is VERY powerful and much cheaper for early game , while AD is alittle more time and gold consuming . Sometimes all you need is to be fed early game to dominate late game.
So there it is. While it might not be a build the pros might use , its definately different . You would be surpised how well it works on champions once thought to be UP.
Twitch is my favorite champion to use this build on the ambush atkspd, he uses stacks and the mass magic pen works well with his expunge(as well as teemos stacks)
The basics of this build is not to put out mass dmg per shot , but to give multiple shots and do medium high dmg. This build does have potential as I have quadra killed a couple times with it . I have been trolled over it , but eventually praised for my originality . That is why I have brought it here to you , the fine people of LoL , to play and experiment as you will . Good day

  1. Lifesteal And Magic Dmg Auto Attacks Video

Apr 28, 2013  Only if it applies on-hit effects, like Mystic Shot, Parrrley, or Infinite Duress. Auto-attack modifiers like Siphoning Strike also apply Lifesteal, as it is still an auto-attack. Spell Vamp is the abilty equivalent of Lifesteal.

Life steal is only with auto attacks or abilites that apply on hit effects ( Ezreal's Q, Gangplank's Q, etc... )
Spell Vamp is with abilites, all but on hit effect abilites, but abilities or items that does extra damage via auto attacks does not apply here, no matter if true, magic or physical damage.
Lee Sin would not regain health from his abilities if he did not have spell vamp from W or items.
Be sure that AoE abilites only give 1/3 spell vamp % on 1 target, but it does still stack on multiplie enemies. Example, Morgana's pool hits 4 enemies, you have 15% spell vamp, you will get 5% of the damage done on enemies, but since it is 4 it would be like 20%
Actually Smite and Ignite is applied under spell vamp.
I can not really remember if effects from items, that is activated also applies under spell vamp or not at all.
Spirit Vissage, is also a thing im not sure about, but it should increase life steal and spell vamp
If there is something missed, or wrong, feel free to correct me
But to your question.
No, on hit effect abilties only work with life steal.


Lifesteal And Magic Dmg Auto Attacks Video

  1. For League of Legends on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'damage vs attack speed vs critical chance vs lifesteal'.
  2. Dec 29, 2016  Twitch Build Guide by jstander222. All the True Damage(ADC) (WIP) By jstander222 Updated on December 29, 2016. And makes the auto attacks target up to three enemies the small autos also apply poison. Lifesteal, and magic resist.
  3. Jun 18, 2011  The magic dmg on this combined with the attack speed and magic pen should take down any champion in 5 shots, excluding tanks, which does the job at almost double that depending on thier magic res. The heavy dmg plus more attack speed is the reason you build this so early.