What Is The Dmg On Frozen Orb From Wizardspike

What is the dmg on frozen orb from wizardspike 2


What Is The Dmg On Frozen Orb From Wizardspike Computer

What Is The Dmg On Frozen Orb From Wizardspike 3

What is a Wizardspike Bone Knife good for and for whom?
I just picked up a Wizardspike Bone Knife from Andariel in Hell.
Wizardspike Bone Knife:
Dext Req: 75
Strength Req: 38
Lvl Req: 61
Very Fast Attack
One hand DMG 23-49
50% faster cast rate
Increase maximum mana 15%
152 to mana based on char lvl
regen man 15%
all resistance 75
pretty much the best dropped item i have ever found. so i was wondering if i should put this on my current meteorb sorc (after some lvling) or make another char and give it to that one (and what kind?)?
lvl 76
str: 90 base (109 equip)
dext: 30 base (40 equip)
vital: 250 base
energy: 75 base
10 unused stats

What Is The Dmg On Frozen Orb From Wizardspike 2

Performing an attack has a 20–25% chance to hurl a Frozen Orb. Benefits from Cold skills deal X% more damage.; The frozen orb behaves like the regular Arcane Orb - Frozen Orb skill of the Wizard, in damage and effects. Frozen Orbs as seen in Diablo III. Wizardspike (Legendary Dagger): 20-25% chance to launch a Frozen Orb on attack. This Frozen Orb benefits from enhancements of the regular Arcane Orb, if any. Delsere's Magnum Opus Set (Set Bonus for 2 items): casting Arcane Orb reduces the remaining cooldown of Slow Time by 3 seconds. Jul 12, 2004  PvP Orb Sorceress Guide By TripleHan 1. Introduction 2. PvP Strategies 7. Credits 1.Introduction Orb sorcs were the most popular sorc duelers in 1.09, in 1.10 they are back, thought to be not good enough with all the synergie whores, but owning as hell.