5e Can Torches Do Fire Dmg

Nov 02, 2015  Staff of Fire (DMG, HotDQ) – Fire resistance is good, and being able to cast fireball three times a day is a nice bonus. Ten charges is a bit limiting though, and the value of the spells will go down as you level up, the exception being your ability to decimate large groups of kobolds. But I normally play with the rules that if you hit an enemy with a torch, it deals, in the way you have put on there. But also burning damage as well (I think its normally 1d6 in 3.5e) Depending on the enemies clothing as well, I roll a D100 to see if the item of clothing is likely to be set on fire (about a 75 or higher on the D100, depending on how long the torch is near the enemy). Oct 04, 2015  Re: Help build a 5e Cleric (Silver Flame) I am fine with Sacred Flame the way it is, i just wish i could up the damage or make it sexier the way sharpshooter works for archers. Perhaps my DM can come up with something similar to spell sniper. This could affect the entire party’s torches, for instance. Con – The fire needs fuel. You can’t make a fire and keep it going without a lot of wood or other fuel around. This is your biggest limitation. Con - Fire is the most resisted damage type in the game, so using it as a threat isn’t always valuable option.

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Feb 09, 2017  Setting aside uses per day, the wording is: Whenever you roll fire damage on your turn, the roll gains a bonus to equal to your Charisma modifier. So, it's not necessary to cast a spell. It's whenever you roll any fire damage. That's for example, damage with a torch, or with an alchemist fire. Which leads me to the following question: do you roll fire damage of things you set fire to?


You can make use of a torch as a deadly, mace-like weapon.

Benefit(s): You treat a torch as a light weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a light mace of its size plus 1 point of fire damage, and you do not incur penalties as you would for using it as an improvised weapon.

Normal: A torch used in combat is treated as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a gauntlet of its size plus 1 point of fire damage.

Combat Trick

Note If using the optional Stamina Pool rules, the following trick may be used with this feat.

Combat Trick: By spending 2 stamina points when you hit an opponent with a torch, you can increase the amount of fire damage dealt by the torch to 1d4.

Torches Dnd 5e

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods © 2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Sean K Reynolds, with Amanda Hamon, James Jacobs, John Ling, Mark Moreland, David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, Tork Shaw, James L. Sutter, Jerome Virnich.