Lol Camille Dmg Doesnt Make Sense

Hey good question, I think a lot of people confuse Ability power and Magic damage / Attack Damage and physical damage.
You can deal three types of damage in the game - physical damage, magic damage and true damage. Physical damage can be blocked(reduced) by armor, Magic damage can be blocked(reduced) by Magic resist and true damage cannot be blocked.
The champions spells will decide what kind of damage it does but magic doesn't always mean that it is powered by AP.
For instance a champion can have an ability that does 100 (+50% AP) physical damage.
This means that 1) the champion does physical damage and if you want to block it you need to get more armor.
2) even though its physical damage it is powered by AP --> so 50% of your AP is added as damage. If you have 100 AP you add 50 damage for a total of 150 physical damage.
Hope this clears it out for you. Your spells and ratios will decide what kind and how much damage it does.
If you head over to lolwiki you can search for the champion and look under their ability details and it will tell you everything about that champions spells - damage type, ratios and numbers.

  1. Lol Camille Dmg Doesn't Make Sense 2
  2. Lol Camille Dmg Doesn't Make Sense Video
  3. Lol Camille Dmg Doesn't Make Sense 3

Lol Camille Dmg Doesn't Make Sense 2


Lol Camille Dmg Doesn't Make Sense Video


Lol Camille Dmg Doesn't Make Sense 3

Camille is a gank-focused jungler, choosing to focus on clear with her in this role is a mistake because it doesn't favor her playstyle. The basic rundown of it is that the benefit of stronger clear from maxing Q does not outvalue the mobility and diversity provided from maxing her E. Sign in to ReactionGifs. With your own account you will be able to gain points, see how many times your posts are seen and comment under all gifs. Comet is p useless after lane, so if you cant win early, it doesnt make a lot of sense in a teamfight comp. Thats where PTA shines. I dont think Camille does enough sustained dmg to make conqueror optimal, but I could see how it wpuld be good if you could get a full combo in. Q1, E1, E2, Q2, W, but i dont think the E1 procs. So I dont see how you get to 5 without AA in there, which means you. Mar 19, 2019  Camp Rock Animation watch my original Camp Rock video: Camp Rock doesn't make any sense. ★☆★ Help Me Get to 2,000,000 Subscrib. Aug 13, 2018  MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. And PtA doesnt make that much sense unless you use a specific combo. Arcthunder (9) January 14, 2018 7. I find the extra poking damage in camille's tactical sweep to be just what she. With assassins generally if you can prevent them from snowballing, you beat them, since all they offer is damage. Camille offers too much. When she is good shes going to be too good, and when shes bad shes still not entirely bad due her utility. That ultimate is one tanks or supports would pray to have. And it would make sense.