Can You Have 2 Dmg Perks In Fortnite

Overcharge traps, Recycle, Blast From The past and Totally Rockin Rift will not be here because they are already in a good spot.

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You can't change stability to crit dmg. Change damage to crit damage Change stability to either reload or mag size. Always use the crit perks as a pair (rating + damage). Or go pure damage. Mag size would be more optimal I think If I can find the ultimate StW spreadsheet, then I. Hero Perks are passive Traits that can be unlocked as the player select or upgrade their Heroes and Support Team.Unlike Abilities, these traits are always active, giving the Hero various permanent benefits, and unlike Team Perk, it only applies when the Hero is equipped as the Primary Hero and achieves a specific requirement. May 18, 2018  With only 2 slots where you can roll any combinations of these 4 perks (at level 5 and at level 15), it is obvious that rolling both perks into 2 separate multipliers is going to be superior to rolling both perks into 1 multiplier. Even if we were to do it mathematically assuming a weapon with 100 damage, 10% base critical chance, 50% base.


Weapon eliminations increase Weapon Damage by 13->30% Each weapon type can only apply one stack of this effect

REQUIRES One hero of each class

Over all this team perk has a lot of potential mixing ar with shotgun and smg sounds good but because you only have 3 weapon slot 39% dmg wasn't really good it needs to be at least 90%



FOR EACH: Hero of Epic or higher rarity with at least 4 stars

Eliminations during Evening or Night grant 0.24->0.5% MELEE Damage and 0.08->0.15%

Melee Life Leech, up to 40 stacks. These bonuses last until Night ends.

16% life leech and 48% weapon dmg is really low especially when it only works at night time, making the perk way stronger but only works with melee can give you a true hunter feeling

Can You Have 2 Dmg Perks In Fortnite


Freeze melee attackers for 2 second(s). Mist Monsters are slowed by 43%.

REQUIRES: 3 heroes with 3 or more stars.

There is not a reason to get get attack when the only thing you get for it is freezing one enemy late game enemies deals 30% of your health getting shield and do an aeo freeze will feel better

NEW FOR EACH hero with 3 or more starts

Melee attacks on you make a freeze explosion in a 0.5 tile radios(+0.25 for each hero).

Mist monsters are slowed by 90%.

For each freezed enemy grands 10(+10 for each matching hero) shield.


Mantis Leap allows 2 additional jump(s).

NEW while airborne gains 70% dmg redaction and 100% movement speed.

NEW landing from mantis leap make a 1 tile explosion which deals 40 energy dmg

REQUIRES: 3 Ninjas



Shadow Stance regenerates 2.7->5%% Shield per second.


FOR EACH: Hero of Epic or higher rarity

Increases Healing Received by 2.5% for each nearby enemy.

I had no idea what this perk does so I made it a skill based perk that encourage you getting low to do more dmg but give you the ability to heal yourself easily.

Can You Have 2 Dmg Perks In Fortnite Pc

NEW FOR EACH: Hero of Epic or higher rarity

Increases Healing Received by 5% for each nearby enemy and matching hero.

NEW for each percent health missing increase dmg dealt by 0.5% and gives 0.3 armor for each matching hero.


FOR EACH: Hero with 2 or more stars

Your next Heavy Attack after using an ability costs 10% less Energy and does 20% bonus damage.

NEW Your next Ability after using a heavy attack costs 10% less Energy and does 20% bonus damage.

Encouraging to use abilities with heavy attacks mainly ninjas with swords and spears.


Eliminations have a 5->15% chance to uncover one of Blakebeard's stashes.

Search them to find Peg Legs, Coconuts, and Cannonball Grenades.

REQUIRES: 3->2 Pirates in support ORPirate as a main hero

Also Peg Leg and Cannonball Grenades should be scaling to 130

The drop rate feels underwhelming also 3 pirates was to much because only 2 can only work with the perk


FOR EACH: Ninja with 3 or more stars

Increases Shadow Stance Duration by 4 seconds.

NEW Shadow Stance increase movement speed,armor and melee dmg by 15%

for each matching hero.

Shadow stance for now feels like a nice bonus but nothing to worry if you don't have this perk well make you feel like a real ninja.


Every 5 seconds, your next shot will fire a seeking Phase Pulse which deals 47->100 base Energy Damage,

NEW reloading and using ability refresh the buff.

Can You Have 2 Dmg Perks In Fortnite 4

REQUIRES: 2 Outlanders of Epic or higher rarity

The perk is good but needs a little buff


Throwing Stars return to you, dealing their damage again on the way


NEW hitting an enemy with a Throwing Stars make another start that seeks the closest enemy.

REQUIRES: 2 Ninjas of Legendary or higher rarity

Throwing stars is at a bad place for now and the perk isn't helping enough making the stars do more group clearing can be a good change


Decreases Duration of elemental status effects by 50%.

REQUIRES: 2 heroes with 4 or more stars

The perk felt underwhelming the only status effect that really was worth decreasing was water, making you own elemental effect will be a great addition.

FIRE weapons burn the enemies for additional 50% dmg over 3 seconds

WATER weapons make the enemies slowed for 50%

NATURE weapons chain lightning that delas 25 bonus dmg and give 10 energy for each enemy hit can occur twice a seconde


FOR EACH: Hero with 3 or more stars

Recover Shield equal to 0.25->50%% of Energy lost.

the perk is good just need a little buff.

just a small buff


Z.A.P. has your back, dealing 105->300 base Energy Damage to one-> three random enemy

every 6->5 seconds.

NEW Mechanic Z.A.P will take 5 seconds to charge after the charge it will target an enemy and shoot it.

REQUIRES: 2 Space Explorer heroes.


FOR EACH: Hero of Epic or higher rarity with at least 4 stars

Increases Damage by 6.5% against full health enemies.

it's a bit underwhelming

FOR EACH: Hero of Epic or higher rarity with at least 4 stars

The first hit against enemy deals bonus 10% dmg for each matching hero.

with new weapons that has aoe dmg and the power of slow spikes full health enemies are hard to find making it the first shoot will overall feel same but better


With Stay Frosty active, using an ability reduces Cooldown of all abilities

by 3->10 seconds and ends Stay Frosty.

NEW stay frosty will work with minigun and lefty and righty

NEW killing with an ability refresh stay frosty.

REQUIRES: 5 heroes of Rare or higher rarity

This perk will mainly work with shockwave/grenade and a high cooldown ability

it need to decrease the cooldown buy more and buff minigun and lefty and righty


FOR EACH: Soldier

Frag Grenade leaves an energized area dealing 12->35 base Energy Damage

per second and slow enemies for 20% for 6 Seconds. Base Radius is 0.375 tiles and increases by 40% with each match.

Once the ability dmg buff will arrive grenade build will need a small buff


B.A.S.E. blasts Steel Wool music, increasing Damage by 12->45% and Critical

Rating by 15->30 for allies within 5 tiles.

REQUIRES: 1 instead of 2 Steel Wool heroes you will probably use Steel Wool Syd

There is no reason to use this perk and not Totally Rocking Rift also the only Steel Wool support that can be in a constructor build is Steel Wool Syd


Increases Anti-Material Charge Range by 1->1.5 tile(s).

NEW hitting enemies with Anti-Material Charge slow them for 70% for 5 seconds

REQUIRES: 2 Outlanders

Make Farming more viable in normal game providing crowd control


Kinetic Overload occurs an additional time.

NEW Kinetic Overload pulls all the enemies in 1 tile radius and deals 50% more dmg

REQUIRES: 3 Constructors with 3 or more stars

With Blast From The Past And Totally Rockin Rift the perk became useless providing additional crowd control and more dmg can make people come to this perk


FOR EACH: Outlander of Epic or higher rarity

Phase Shift has 1 additional charge(s) and Range is decreased by 0.2

Can You Have 2 Dmg Perks In Fortnite 3


NEW for each enemy passed throw reduce all the abilities cooldown by 2 seconds

Can You Have 2 Dmg Perks In Fortnite Download

The perk don't have a place with all the new team perks making it better in ability build can be good

Source: Original link

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Can You Have 2 Dmg Perks In Fortnite One

As you progress through Fortnite, you will get yourself a lot of different traps schematics. However, just because you get a legendary trap schematic doesn’t mean it is going to be leaps and bounds better than your epic pattern.

The thing is, the stats on traps don’t actually really improve their damage a huge amount. Mostly the difference between the an uncommon rarity trap and a legendary rarity trap is more durability, as seen here on our big page o’ Fortnite traps. Some traps, like wall darts and retractable spikes, have improved damage too, but what makes a trap a good trap is the stat rolls. Those beautiful bonuses like X% Durability increase or X% more Crit Chance. However, not all perk rolls are good for each trap.

So if you are looking for what are some good rolls to look out for on your next shiny new trap schematic that was vomited forth from your hard-earned llamas, here is what to look for.

Damage Traps

Damage traps include wall darts, wall dynamos, retractable floor spikes, and ceiling zapper traps that are meant for doing damage rather for purely controlling mobs, you want perks that actually help them do more damage. Perk rolls for damage traps include:

  • Reload Speed – For damage traps, obviously the more your trap can fire off and do damage, the more damage it will do. However, you don’t want all reload speed rolls either like you would on stun traps either.
  • Critical Chance – Traps have a low base crit chance and actually a 50% base crit damage. So rolling crit chance on a trap is actually better.
  • Critical Damage – You may see crit damage on a damage trap and start to get excited, but keep in mind that the base crit chance on most traps is about 5%. So if you get all crit damage, you’re not going to benefit from it very much.
  • Trap Damage – You really can’t go wrong with having your damage traps do more damage. In fact if you rolled a trap with all trap damage rolls, you would have a really good trap.

Stun Traps

Stun traps include wall launchers, floor launchers, wall lights, and freeze pads. Stun traps are less about damage and they are more about controlling husks. It is about knocking them off walls or keeping them stunned in place so other traps can do damage.

  • Reload Speed – For control traps, reload speed is king. They don’t do damage. They don’t crit. What you want is for them to be able to stun as much as possible.
  • Impact and Knockback – This is strictly for launchers, both floor and wall. Hopefully it only appears on launchers too. The crucial thing to remember is that as you get to higher levels of Fortnite, the enemies actually gain weight. This means you need more impact and knockback power to toss them around with these. While reload speed will usually be preferred on launchers, when you get to late-Canny Valley or Twine Peaks, impact rolls aren’t awful.
  • Stun Time – For wall lights, if it is not reload speed, your next preference should be increased stun time.

To Durability or Not To Durability?

This question comes up a lot. Most people think max durability is a pretty good perk roll to get on a trap, and it is by no means a bad one to have. Obviously, the more durability your trap has, the more it will stick around. However, max durability is only truly useful in Stormshield Defenses and longer missions like Survive the Storm.

If you get traps with one or maybe two durability rolls, it is fine to keep it if that is truly the best you have. However, a legendary set of wall darts with all durability rolls is going to do significantly less damage than a rare with two trap damage rolls and a reload speed.

All that being said, there is a single trap that would benefit from all durability rolls – wooden floor spikes. Let’s be honest, wooden floor spikes don’t do huge amounts of damage. They are, however, a cheap way of slowing down a lot of husks. While they have a pretty long durability already, longer doesn’t hurt.

Useless Stats Rolls for Certain Traps

There are… Well, some kinks in the perk rolls for some traps in Fortnite. Not all stats that can roll on a trap are actually useful to a trap. So what rolls should you really wish you don’t roll on your trap schematic?

Wall Lights, Wall Launchers, and Floor Launchers

These three traps have the biggest issue of rolling useless trap perkss. This has been somewhat addressed and fixed by EPIC, but if you are a long time player, you may still have a few useless trap rolls hanging around. These include:

  • Crit Chance
  • Crit Damage
  • Trap Damage

Can You Have 2 Dmg Perks In Fortnite Games

Pure Crit Damage

Can You Have 2 Dmg Perks In Fortnite Free

Any damage trap that rolls every single role, or most rolls, as crit damage is kind of terrible. With the exception of wall darts, wall dynamos, and retractable spikes, all traps that can crit only have a 5% chance to do so. Even those aforementioned traps only have a base 10% chance. It will make the rare crits that do happen magical, but still just as rare.