Crit Dmg On Vox Crest

In the dark recesses of Blackrock Mountain's peak, Nefarian, the eldest son of Deathwing, conducts some of his most awful experimentation, controlling mighty beings like puppets and combining the eggs of different dragonflights with horrific results. 2 or fracture systems, which may be associated with seismicity. In addition, movement along fault planes, and the generation of factures, may create open conduits that breach the integrity of the storage site. Why is everyone hyped about vox, what makes him so special? 9 months ago. I'm wondering wat the best Crest is for him. Gives all allies huge dmg boost), and look at those abilities. 80% crit dmg increase, 30% accuracy increase, and 100% increase in atk and skill CT when he's in maiga drive (his maiga drive. Sep 26, 2017  220000 DPS Crit Blade Flurry Duelist Build (Path 3 0 update) items. I think its becouse of more dmg% on bleeding mobs There is no more multiplier on the bleed nodes, there only is 60% increased, which pretty much cancel with the 10% more on 'Outmatch and Outlast'.

  1. Crit Dmg On Vox Crest 2
  2. Crit Dmg On Vox Crest 1

Skill Tree
Posted by
on Aug 6, 2017, 2:24:33 AM
so how is blade flurry now in comparison to legacy?
Posted by
on Aug 6, 2017, 7:34:00 AM
Posted by
on Aug 6, 2017, 1:55:50 PM
What did you do for your bandit quests?
Thanks for your build!
Posted by
on Aug 8, 2017, 6:33:23 PM
i have a question what masters did you invite to your hideout or it does not matter with the build ?
Posted by
on Aug 13, 2017, 10:00:40 PM
Hey mate.
Can you please update the passive tree link. Its not working and i really wanna try this build.
Thanks in advance!
Posted by
on Aug 23, 2017, 3:29:36 PM
Why does the author go for the bleed ascendancies and not the other too? The bleed ones give 6% reduced damage taken and 60% increased damage, which is nice, but the other two give 10% more damage, 2% block chance(small node) and 80% increased damage against bosses(when it counts).
Am i missing something or is that pretty much it?
Posted by
on Sep 8, 2017, 11:26:00 PM
Posted by
on Sep 9, 2017, 10:26:20 PM
Why does the author go for the bleed ascendancies and not the other too? The bleed ones give 6% reduced damage taken and 60% increased damage, which is nice, but the other two give 10% more damage, 2% block chance(small node) and 80% increased damage against bosses(when it counts).
Am i missing something or is that pretty much it?

i will also would like to know....
i think its becouse of more dmg% on bleeding mobs
Posted by
on Sep 10, 2017, 8:01:44 AM

i will also would like to know....
i think its becouse of more dmg% on bleeding mobs

There is no more multiplier on the bleed nodes, there only is 60% increased, which pretty much cancel with the 10% more on 'Outmatch and Outlast'.
Posted by
on Sep 10, 2017, 2:46:57 PM

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Crit Dmg On Vox Crest 2


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Crit Dmg On Vox Crest 1


Ornn can easily kite her wall.


Ornn can shred him with his w and pass his wall.

Crit Dmg On Vox Crest


Mega gnar will be a pain.


