Elder Scrolls Online Show Dmg Numbers

Normally classes with lots of burst damage do not get high damage values over a whole battleground round, since their specialty is burst damage over a short period of time, then recovering, retreating or looking for a new target. Additionally with huge burst potential you also are more likely to kill people (stealing assists) than people with rather low or damage over time. Stamina toons are more the burst and move specs, so a lot of time you are re-positioning and looking for a new target. This means you have less sustained damage and actually less damage over a whole battleground round, still you get a high number of kills. Meanwhile classes with lots of aoe and dot damage will likely have less kills, but a lots of assists. Also they do sustained damage to several enemies and that probably for prolonged time, leading to much more damage over the whole fight. Classes like the typical ice warden can pull such high numbers with their ice aoes plus shalks, meanwhile you are rather focused on single target and burst damage.

Elder Scrolls Online Show Dmg Numbers List

Elder Scrolls Online Show Dmg Numbers
Because it is not needed. Did you need a damage dealer in any other ES game? No because so long as you can kill stuff you are doing enough damage. Damage dealers in MMO's just make everyone try to find the most elite build and shun everyone who doesn't do use it. I would prefer if there where no add ons for it either.
Then you might as well play blindfolded. Just to be clear I play PVP. Just because an item works well on one person doesn't mean it will work well on everyone. It would be nice to have a number to go by.

Satirical writer p.j

Satirical Writer P.j

Elder Scrolls Online Show Dmg Numbers

As far as I recall, Elder Scrolls never had floating damage numbers. There are pros and cons to that. The pros being that you can analyze what you're doing right/wrong, and who is being carried through difficult content. The con is that it often marginalizes casual players from that same difficult content. Weapons in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim offer a similar level of diversity as previous The Elder Scrolls titles, with both one- and two-handed versions of swords, axes, and mace/hammers, as well as one-handed daggers and bows. One handed weapons can be dual-wielded. This means the Dragonborn can.

I'd rather play blindfolded and have fun than have numbers and not be allowed to play. I understand you want something to go by but if they put in a damage dealer several things would happen in PVP and in PVE.
1st it would either clutter the UI or clutter the chat log depending on where they put it. TO me this game is not an MMO , to me its an Online RPG. All the preconceived MMO notions don't work as well for it as they do in other MMO's and I am glad they kept some of it out. One of those things is the fact that my chat log is readable and not flying by at 100000 words a minute and that I can pay attention to the game and not 123943 things flying from all over my screen.
2nd. People would start seeing the numbers easier which sounds good until they start crunching numbers and always finding the most optimal OP build and shun those who don't have it. This happens in both PVP and PVE. You think its great to have numbers until someone decides your build is not optimal and PVP groups will no longer take you because you don't push that extra 10 dps per second. So your choices become play alone or re-spec and re-equip yourself ot comply with the standard others have deemed as worthy. What happens then you ask. Well then you get to play other peoples way and not your way which will lead more forum crying of buff this nerf that my class sucks why can't I do as much damage as that guy!

Elder Scrolls Online Show Dmg Numbers List

Currently I can get PVP groups because they don't know what my DPS numbers are. As a tank I don't feel the need to do the same DPS as a DPS, Mage or whatever. My job in both PVP and PVE should be to control the crowd, pop buffs, and try to keep my party alive. I love my guild and they are friendly and helpful but I always know who is running add on and who is not by which groups allow me to come along in PVP and PVE. The ones that don't are using number identifiers and the ones who allow me to join are not using those add on's and are happy to have me. And you know what? We have been able to clear all content we tried both PVP and PVE without optimal light armor stick builds.

Elder Scrolls Online Show Dmg Numbers Free

I'm not trying to hate on people who want the numbers or say that you shouldn't try to max your character the best you can but I have seen this in every other MMO I have ever played. (Granted its not as many MMO's as other people around here) This game to me personally is much different than your average MMO and I enjoy not having to worry about numbers all the time. Even putting it in as an option thing could be detrimental since that would give people who don't use add on's some of the same attitude. (Not every one has the same attitude and not hating on you for wanting numbers these are just how I have seen it.)