Rune Dmg By Game Chart League

I'm thinking specifically AD carries that get Zeal and Phantom Dancers first (Kog'Maw or Vayne). But it can also definitely work with champions that get Infinity Edge first (Tristana), by rushing Cloak of Agility (830) instead of farming for B.F. Sword (1650). Cloak of Agility can be farmed a lot faster than B.F. Sword, and with the added Crit Dmg bonus, could still do some damage enough to farm for the rest of the items. It can land you some early kills at bot lane because the enemy ADC would still be farming for his B.F. Sword while you already have a Cloak of Agility. It would scale a lot better later on than AD Runes. And it also stacks with Infinity Edge.
So instead of going:
Boots + Pots x3
Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
B.F Sword (1650)
you can go:
Boots + Pots x3
Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Cloak of Agility (830)
TL;DR - B.F. Sword (1650 = expensive). Cloak of Agility (830 = cheap). Cloak of Agility + Crit Dmg Runes (nice scale) = Win?
I'm just curious as to why AD Runes are still preferred over them. I'm still pretty new to this game so can anyone explain?

  1. Rune Dmg By Game Chart League Download
Rune dmg by game chart league downloadRune Dmg By Game Chart League

Damage dealt over a game would be a starting point even though i know it's hilariously statistically flawed. From there id need each rune per champion and how much damage they do on average per game. Hell i wouldnt be surprised if one of those 3 runes was a direct winner in damage regardless of champion. There is just so much data we dont have.

Rune Dmg By Game Chart League Download

  • In many team based games the amount of damage you are capable of dealing is a very important factor, usually leading to the victorious team. It is something of great importance in LoL as well, even if in this strategy based game, dealing a lot of damage isn’t the only thing that makes you win the game.
  • Sep 25, 2017  Every new League of Legends rune, listed. Start the game with 6 Minion Sojourners. Killing minions with the item gives permanent bonus damage vs. That minion type.