What Enchant Does More Dmg To Blazes

In Minecraft, you can enchant a sword with a number of different enchantments. Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these enchantment values in the /enchant command.

Here is a list of sword enchantments for the latest version of Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac).

(Minecraft ID Name)
Max LevelDescriptionMinecraft IDVersion
Bane of Arthropods
VIncreases attack damage against arthropods18
Curse of Vanishing
ICursed item will disappear after player dies711.11
Fire Aspect
IISets target on fire20
IIIncreases knockback dealt (enemies repel backwards)19
IIIIncreases amount of loot dropped when mob is killed21
IUses xp to mend your tools, weapons and armor701.9
VIncreases attack damage dealt to mobs16
VIncreases attack damage against undead mobs17
Sweeping Edge
IIIIncreases damage of sweep attack221.11.1
IIIIncreases durability of item34


Mobs can hold weapons, making them deal more damage. Also, the crunching noise from 1.0.0 was changed, sounding more like a slap rather than a bone-breaking punch. The fall damage noise was also changed from a crunch to a dull, thumping noise. 12w34a: Wither effect added, which deals damage. Unlike Poison, withering can kill players or other mobs. Aug 09, 2019  So I just got the aspect of the end (aote for short) and I finally enchanted it with everything except for knock back, cleave, and fire aspect. And when I went to go hit something it only did 2.4k damage. I have seen people get 7k and higher but I don’t understand why mine is so low. And when it hits without any crit then it only does 900 damage. Mar 10, 2014  Also if your weapon has like 6 cold damage does elemental increase only increase the 6 cold damage portial of the basic atk? Elemental DMG boost all forms of attacks/spells that have some sort of element in it. The answer I needed I thought it better to post in a similar thread rather than start another and end up with even more.

  • Enchantment is what the enchantment is called and (Minecraft ID Name) is the string value used in the /enchant command.
  • Max Level is the maximum level that you can apply for this enchantment.
  • Description is the description of what the enchantment does.
  • Minecraft ID is the Internal number for the enchantment.
  • Version is the Minecraft version number that the enchantment was introduced for the name and ID, if applicable.

Example of how to Enchant a Sword

You can enchant a sword that you are holding by using the /enchant command.

For example, you can use the /enchant command to enchant the sword that the player called DigMinecraft is holding with Sharpness V.

In this example, sharpness is the name of the enchantment and 5 is the level of the enchantment to add.

You could also have used the ID value to add the enchantment:

Both commands would result in the sword held by DigMinecraft to be enchanted with Sharpness V. This enchantment would significantly increase the attack damage of the sword.

Other Enchantment Lists

Here are some other enchantment lists in Minecraft:

Notice: Development will be slowing down, as I have accepted a development position at Mineplex.

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What is BetterEnchants?
Better enchants provides a varied bunch of new enchantments as well as an all-new method of applying these enchantments, Enchanted Crystals. What makes BetterEnchants different from other enchantment plugins is the unique way to enchant the item(s). You can choose how the players gain the Enchant Crystals and once the players have an Enchant Crystal, they would right click on the ground with the crystal and the Crystal Enchantment Menu will appear and they can select which item in their inventory they wish to enchant.
Players may also create an Enchanted Crystal by having a minimum of 30 levels and right clicking an enchant table with a nether star. A random enchantment and level will be chosen, and a crystal with that enchant/level will be given to the player.
BetterEnchants also contains a strong API. Not only can developers use any of the preset utility classes, BetterEnchants provides an EnchantAPI and CrystalAPI which allows others to register custom enchants and use the crystal system.
This plugin requires 1.8 to work properly!More

Stock Enchantments

  • Antitoxin - Reduces the duration of debuffs by 10% per level with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Blazing Touch - Auto-smelts ores (makes cobblestone drop stone, netherrack drop nether brick, ironore to drop ironingot, ect). This combines with Fortune 2 and 3 by dropping up to (Fortune level + Blazing Touch level) more, applied to any pickaxe with a max crystal level of 3. There is also an option to toggle this feature by sneaking.
  • Cranial Strike - When hitting any mob or player, you have 2.5% chance per level to blind the mob / player for (1+level) seconds with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Decapitation - When killing a player you have a 2.5% chance per level to receive their head with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Frostbite - When shooting a mob / player you give them Slowness (level) for 5 seconds with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Highlander - When out of combat for at least 15 seconds you will receive Speed (level) until the next time you enter combat with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Infusion - When mining or digging, you excavate in a (level I 3x3, level II 5x5, level III 7x7) radius instead of just 1x1 with a max crystal level of 3. There is also an option to toggle this feature by sneaking.
  • Lifesteal - When hitting another player / mob you have a 2.5% chance per level to heal yourself for 10% per level of damage dealt with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Meditation - When out of combat for at least 15 seconds you will receive regeneration until the next time you enter combat with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Multishot - When shooting a bow, you shoot one extra arrow per level with a max crystal level of 2.
  • Paralyze - When hitting another mob / player, you have a 2.5% chance per level to completely stun them with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Poison - When shooting a mob / player, you give them poison (strength and duration depends on level) with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Shellshock - When you are hit, you have a 2.5% chance per level to deal (level) heart(s) to your attacker with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Staggering Blow - When hitting another mob / player, you have a 2.5% chance per level to inflict the mob / player with weakness with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Saturation - Your hunger decreases (1 + level) times slower with a max crystal level of 3.
  • Wither Aspect - When hitting another mob / player you have a 2.5% chance per level to completely wither the mob / player with a max crystal level of 3.

  • /betterenchants - Shows commands and information about the plugin.
  • /addenchant <EnchantName> <Level> - Adds an enchantment to the item you are currently holding.
  • /getcrystal <EnchantName> <Level> - Gives you an enchanted crystal with the specified enchantment.
  • /givecrystal <EnchantName> <Level> <PlayerName> - Gives a player an enchanted crystal with the spcified enchantment.
  • 'BetterEnchants.command.addenchant' - Allows the user to add a custom enchant to the item they're currently holding.
  • 'BetterEnchants.command.getcrystal' - Allows the user to give themselves an EnchantCrystal.
  • 'BetterEnchants.command.givecrystal' - Allows the user to give another player an EnchantCrystal.

Main API Classes
  • EnchantAPI - Various methods related to CustomEnchants and their registry
  • CrystalAPI - Various methods related to creating and giving crystals
  • CustomEnchant - ex. new CustomEnchant('Spring', 3, '_LEGGINGS _BOOTS', 'PROTECTION_FALL PROTECTION_FIRE', 'Highlander', 10); would supply a new CustomEnchant named Sprint, with a max level of 3, which could be applied to any leggings or boots except ones with Protection or Feather Falling, or with the custom enchant Highlander, with a base xp cost of 10 levels. This CustomEnchant could then be registered inside EnchantAPI.
  • CustomArmorBuff - ex. new CustomArmorBuff(EnchantAPI.getRegisteredEnchant('Spring'), 1, PotionEffectType.JUMP, true); would supply a new CustomArmorBuff that uses the CustomEnchant Spring, requires one piece of armor to have it, gives the user jump boost, and is disabled if the user has been in combat in the past 30 seconds. This CustomArmorBuff could then be registered inside EnchantAPI.

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- AlexTheCoder, Lead Developer

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- Loonytoon, Documenter and Bug Tester