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Roguewarrior's Macros/Addons- (Thank you Muddkip for sharing the ones you did so long ago. <3)
If you have any questions about the macros, or addons alike, throw me a whisper in-game
1. -Weapon Equip Macro-
#showtooltip Weapon1
/equipslot 16 Weapon1
/equipslot 17 Weapon2/shield
*Basic equip macro, use it for your weapons, and shield alike. (If you use stances in your macro, add /cast (Stancename) after the /equipslot part).
2. -General Bladestorm Macro-
#showtooltip Bladestorm
/cast Sweeping Strikes
/cast Bladestorm
*A Bladestorm macro that adds Sweeping strikes for maximum pwnage.
3. -Bladestorm Macro-
#showtooltip Bladestorm
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Bladestorm
*This is the macro i use for when i bladestorm while in defensive stance, i switch to zerker then cast bladestorm right after for the extra AP bonus zerker provides.
4. -Focus Disarm Macro-
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast [target=focus] Disarm
*A basic focus macro for Disarm, it will disarm your actual enemy focus target.
5. -Modifying focus Intercept/Charge macro + Hamstring-
/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Intercept; [target=focus] Charge
/cast [target=focus] Hamstring
*This is a focus charge/intercept macro that also has a modifier on it linked to shift, use the macro without shift and you will use charge on your set focus target, use it with shift and you'll be using Intercept instead. If you click on the macro twice, it'll not only charge/intercept your focus target, but it will cast hamstring on them as well.
6. -Focus Heroic Throw-
/cast [target=focus] Heroic Throw
*This is a simple focus target Heroic Throw macro that will return your targeting to your previous target after use.
7. -Intervene Macro-
#showtooltip Intervene
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast [target=party1, 2, 3... (change number)] Intervene
/cancelaura Bladestorm
*This is a very useful macro because of the fact you can use Intervene in any stance you have. Use it in arenas as a third 'charge', when your partner is ahead of you attacking the enemy and you're rooted and not moving, use the macro to intervene to your partner, freeing you of the root and giving them a nice damage reducing buff.
8. -Spell Reflection Macro-
/cast [nostance:3, equipped:shields] Spell Reflection; [stance:3] Battle Stance;
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Weapon1
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Shield
*This macro will make you equip your one hand weapon and shield and will cast Spell Reflection. If you are in Berserker Stance it will cast Battle Stance first.
9. -Cancelaura Macro-
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
/cancelaura spell reflect
/cancelaura Hand of Freedom
*This macro cancels instantly those auras showed on the macro. It's very good to cancel instantly some buffs that a mage for example, could steal from you easily. Spell reflection is on there to prevent any polymorph being reflected onto them as well.
10. -Retaliation Macro-
#showtooltip Retaliation
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Retaliation
*A useful macro to get yourself into battle stance with one press of the button, and cast retaliation with a second press of the macro.
11. -Shield Block Macro-
#showtooltip Shield Block
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cast [stance:2] Shield Block; [stance:1/3] Defensive Stance
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Weapon1
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Shield
*This macro equips your weapon and shield, then either casts Shield Block or puts you in defensive stance beforehand depending on which stance you use the macro in.
12. -Shield Slam Macro-
#showtooltip Shield Slam
/equipslot 16 Weapon1
/equipslot 17 Shield
/cast Shield Slam(Rank 8)
*A basic weapon equip/shield slam macro.
13. -Shattering Throw Macro-
#showtooltip Shattering Throw
/cast [stance:2/3] Battle Stance; [stance:1] Shattering Throw;
*This macro will put you into Battle stance if you're in defensive or berserker stance and then cast Shattering throw on your current target.
14. -Stop Bladestorm + Charge Macro-
#showtooltip Charge
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [nomodifier] Charge
*This is a macro to cancel your bladestorm if your target has moved out of the radius of your bladestorm, cancel the spell with one press of a button then be right back onto your target with a second, using charge.
15. -Shield Wall Macro-
#showtooltip Shield Wall
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cast defensive stance
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Weapon1
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Shield
/cast shield wall
*A basic weapon equip/shield wall macro.
16. -Damage Macro-
/cast Death Wish
/use Ultimate Warrior Hands of Demonic Crusade (Haste Enchant from Engineering)
*I use this macro to simply save a keybind and use my gloves enchant from engineering, shift click your current gloves with the enchant into the macro. If you use haste potions, add them to the macro as well!(/use haste potion).
17. -General attack ability Macro-
/cast (General spells such as Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst, etc go here)
/cast Cleave (Or Heroic Strike depending on your Arena Comp)
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
*This is a very general warrior macro to cast your main spells, all the while casting cleave at every single moment, create a similar macro for bloodthirst, mortal strike, overpower, shockwave, and any other spell that suits your needs.
18. -Interrupt Macro-
#showtooltip Shield Bash
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [stance:3] Pummel; [stance:1/2,equipped:shield] Shield Bash
/stopmacro [stance:3]
/equipslot 16 Weapon1
/equipslot 17 Shield
*If you are in Battle Stance or Defensive Stance, you will cast Shield Bash. If you are in Berserker Stance, you will cast Pummel.
19. -Focus Interrupt Macro-
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [stance:3,target=focus] Pummel; [stance:1/2,equipped:shield,target=focus] Shield Bash
/stopmacro [stance:3]
/equipslot 16 Weapon1
/equipslot 17 Shield
*This macro will do the same as the last macro but it will cast the spell on your actual focus.
20. -Berserker Rage Macro-
/cancelaura Enraged Regeneration
/cast Berserker Rage
*This macro will cast Berserker Rage and cancel your Enraged Regeneration because you can't use BR while ER is active.
21. -Disarm Macro-
#showtooltip Disarm
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cast [stance] Disarm; [stance/3] Defensive Stance
*This macro will disarm your current target, and put you into defensive stance beforehand if you aren't already in it.
22. -Focus Overpower Macro-
#showtooltip overpower
/cast [target=focus] overpower
*If you have a healer on focus, use this macro while they're casting to apply 'Unrelenting Assault' in the arms tree; a healing reduction talent.
/clearfocus [target=focus,exists]
/focus [target=mouseover,exists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
*Not a warrior specific macro, but this is a favorite among my own macros, it'll set your target to focus, set your 'Mouseover' selected target, and also cancel your current selected focus target with a button press on empty space within your screen.
Tellmewhen- A FULLY Customizable addon to track your cooldowns/procs/abilities as well as your targets, and your focus target's cooldowns/procs/abilities.
Bartender4- A very nice addon for you to move around, and edit your bars the way you'd like them to be as.
Sexymap- A sexy map!
Losecontrol- tracks CC's, snares, silences, etc for your party, arena opponents, focus target, and your own self.
Gladius- Arena unit frames
Chatter- A good addon for chat (Copy chat and such)
Cooldowns OR OmniCC- Displays your current cooldowns more visibly.

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